Join NOMMA at the American Legion Freedom Post#183 405 East Front Street in Pemberville to listen to a presentation by State Senator Rob McColley, he will provide the latest updates on state legislation for recreational marijuana and how it affects your community. Marie-Joëlle C. Khouzam, Partner from Bricker Graydon Law Firm will present information about Ohio zoning law in relation to recreational marijuana and share legislation that has been enacted by other jurisdictions in Ohio.
State Senator Rob McColley bio | Marie-Joëlle C. Khouzam bio
The Northwest Ohio Mayors and Managers Association has been working on behalf of the region’s municipalities since 1991. As a non-profit 501(c)6 organization of public and private sector entities, NOMMA represents municipalities in the 15 Northwest Ohio counties of Allen, Defiance, Erie, Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Sandusky, Seneca, Van Wert, Williams and Wood.
NOMMA provides forums for municipal officers to network with their peers and share experiences, opportunities and challenges. It provides information to members on critical issues facing cites and villages and aggressively advocates for the common interests of Northwest Ohio’s municipalities.
NOMMA has forged strong relationships with other key regional advocacy organizations. It also helps link Northwest Ohio municipalities with agencies and companies that can help them on specific issues.
NOMMA is non-partisan. Its members are linked not by their political affiliation, but by their dedication and service to their communities.
Mayor, Village of Hamler
Vice President
Mayor, City of Waterville
Past President
Mayor, City of Sylvania
Board Members:
Mayor, Village of Hamler
Mayor, City of Sylvania
Mayor, Village of Elmore
Mayor, Village of Pemberville
Mayor, City of Waterville
Municipal Memberships
are open to cities and villages:
Population Annual Dues
0-500 $ 50.00
501-1,500 $ 100.00
1,500 – 5,000 $ 200.00
5,001 – 10,000 $ 300.00
10,001 – 15,000 $ 500.00
15,000 – 25,000 $ 750.00
Over 25,000 $1,000.00
Associate Memberships
are open to companies and businesses interested in supporting the goals and objectives of NOMMA. Annual dues are $750.00
Chambers of Commerce
interested in supporting NOMMA’s goal of promoting economic development cooperation within the region are invited to join NOMMA for an annual dues of $100.00.
Individual Memberships
are available to former mayors and managers who support the aims and purposes of NOMMA. Annual dues are $25.00.
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